Recipe Exchange: Dumplings!

A set of steamed Asian dumplings sit in a wooden steaming basket.

by Sahana C.

Recipe Exchange: Dumplings Around Asia!
Saturday, May 25 | 1 – 2 pm
HCLS Savage Branch

Hands down, my favorite way to learn about new cultures is through food. And food tells so much about a place – whether wheat or rice or corn are the most prominent starch, how people chose to work the land, how people divided labor, how different climates react to different weather, whether people use utensils or their hands. We reflect all sorts of nuances about ourselves in the ways we eat. Growing up in Howard County exposed me to cuisines from all over the world, and there’s nothing better to me than trying something new, loving it, and immediately knowing that I need to try to make it myself. Gathering new recipes with other people is such a rewarding, communal pastime, and it’s lovely to be able to talk through cooking with other foodies!

For our Recipe Exchange class during AAPI Month, I wanted to honor one of humanity’s strongest, truest impulses: to take a protein, or a hearty base, cover it in dough of some kind, then fry, steam, or bake it to perfection, resulting in a bite sized bundle of delight. That’s why we’ll be discussing Dumplings Around Asia, as well as sampling some varieties.  

I graduated from college during the early days of the pandemic. When I was sent home, my university sent me a senior gift that included a dumpling making kit. I’m not sure if they knew what they were doing with that gift but I’ll tell you what the result was: homemade gyoza once a week. Tortellini made from scratch that took me six hours. Handmade samosas that I air fried instead of deep-frying. Dumplings of all sorts from all around the world, handmade in my kitchen. Dumplings are a passion of mine, and I can’t wait to discuss all the best ways to prepare such a simple but delectable food.

Bring your own dumpling recipe – or favorite dumplings!– and we’ll have a great conversation about the ways we can speed-run making dumplings, the history of the perfect crimp, and of course, share some of the best recipes for different dumpling styles found across the Asia. While it might not be a comprehensive list of every style of dumpling to ever exist, it’s going to be a great introduction to less popular dumpling styles, and a great chance to grab a snack at the library.  

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Sahana is an Instructor and Research Specialist at HCLS Savage Branch. They enjoy adding books to their “want to read” list despite having a mountain of books waiting for them already.